9:08 AMScrivere.
Non è facile, il più delle volte noioso e se non ti mette nei guai è davvero utile.
Se raggruppiamo tante parole, con un senso logico e una buona sintassi, animate da un messaggio chiaro e civile, ordinatamente riportate su dei fogli di carta, ecco che possiamo assistere ad una struggente metamorfosi: il caos diventa ordine, il messaggio comprensibile, la parola tangibile; si, questo è un libro.
Writing is not an easy activity, it is often boring, but if it doesn’t stir up trouble can be really useful. If we group together lots of words trying to convey a clear and respectful message, we should write them down neatly, following a logical order and a good syntax. Only in this way an astonishing metamorphosis can happen: the chaos turns into order, the message becomes clear and the word tangible. Yes, this is a book indeed.
Rizzoli has supported a book publishing.
A book written by Kim Kardashian.
This book is likely to be without words because it features selfies only.
A decade of selfies.
"So proud to share the cover of my book Selfish, out in May! Thank you Rizzoli for making this happen &being the best partner. A big thank you to the Donda team & Kanye (West) for inspiring this idea & helping to design this book so I can share a decade of selfies in such an intimate & artistic way! Can't wait for you to all see this book! Xo #Selfish #Rizzoli "
(Kim Kardashian su Twitter)
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