12:08 AM
Definire a parole l'enorme contributo della fotografia alla moda sarebbe banale e sicuramente poco efficace: The Enchated Boudoir ama la creatività e l'arte di saper raccontare ed emozionare con qualunque mezzo artistico...perciò lascerò a questa frase del celebre gioielliere americano Harry Winston il compito di introdurvi a questo meraviglioso servizio realizzato dall'occhio di Norman Jean Roy ed animato dai lineamenti della top model Malaika Firth...
Trying to explain in words the huge contribution of photography to fashion would be trivial and little efficient: The Enchanted Boudoir loves the knack for telling and moving through whatever artistic means…so I let this quote by the famous American jeweller Harry Winston introduce this amazing photo shoot realized by Norman Jean Roy and lighted up by the beautiful features of the top model Malaika Firth…
Trying to explain in words the huge contribution of photography to fashion would be trivial and little efficient: The Enchanted Boudoir loves the knack for telling and moving through whatever artistic means…so I let this quote by the famous American jeweller Harry Winston introduce this amazing photo shoot realized by Norman Jean Roy and lighted up by the beautiful features of the top model Malaika Firth…
"People will stare. Make it worth their while"
Model: Malaika Firth
Photographer: Norman Jean Roy
Fashion Editor: Tom Van Dorpe
Written by: Stella
Translated by : Claudia
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