Time to say goodbye my friends: The Enchanted Boudoir has come to an end ...just to born again as "SUGAREAL - Real Fashion No Sugar". sugareal.com I hope you will love the new blog as much you loved this one! Sugareal is all about the fashion world, without filters, but also about beauty secrets and good food #yeah. Check our new website at...
Sul Natale si possono dire molte cose, ma tutti converrete che è l’unico momento dell’anno dove il cibo diventa una chiara espressione di amore e affetto. (Su quanto amore servirà smaltire in palestra ne riparliamo in un’altra sede.) Le famiglie si radunano attorno al tavolo e tra una pietanza e l’altra riscoprono ricordi felici e aneddoti imbarazzanti, si scambiano regali accanto all’albero e...
For those who ignore what the Critics Choice Awards are, let's just say that this is just another award show for Tv and Movie stars, where celebrities are expected to wear luxurious clothes to award one another. [BTW the winners' list at the end of the post] What's cool about these events? The fashion of course, so let's break down the red carpet:...
I won't lie, this is an emotional editorial crush, because we love Lady Gaga <3 Non voglio mentire, questo editorial crush è stato scelto di pancia, perchè noi adoriamo Lady Gaga <3 Photography: Collier Schorr ...
Christmas is family-time...and food, because that is just another word for "love". Take for example decorating the tree: a lovely tradition to share with your beloved ones, but how about making that moment even more...sweet? Let's discover todays' special by our cooking master LePrince: get ready for the ultimate Christmas treat... Natale significa stare con la famiglia...e si, cibo, perchè questi non è che...